domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

10 Step Plan to Blog

Here are ten steps to producing your profitable blog. There are much more to talk about it.
Let's start from here.

1- Select a list of profitable niches and choose a niche with the most potential

2- Find all the products and services your blog can sell through affiliate channels

3- Discover the high-paying adsense phrases and focus your content around them

4- Build a template that emphasises your adsense and affiliate products

5- Build loyal RSS and email subscriptions

6- Build authority and trust through regular useful content. Post at least one new article every day, more if you can manage it

7- Generate traffic through good post titles, email subject lines and linkbait

8- Monitor your metrics, see which content brings in the most traffic and clicks and produce more of it

9- When you hit on a good conversion rate, pay for advertising

10- Diversify, start more blogs. Find an overlapping niche, rinse and repeat.

This list I did copy from someone more smart than me, so, Chris Garrett, thanks a lot.

My idea is not only copy/paste good articles.
There are a lot of things on the web and I'd like to update some concepts cause people like me, from other countries than US, well, we are a little far behind and even the articles are old, they'd work for people like me rsrsrs.

So, I'll try this list and then I'll make my comments .
